Will baby boomers stay in jobs – and overcrowd the market?

Many baby boomers intend to work past retirement age, and one article contends they will potentially overcrowd the job market. The article goes on to say this could create a problem for both younger and older workers. If the overcrowding keeps wages lower,  then older workers might need to work much longer to acquire the retirement savings they desire, and, “if employers end up using older workers instead of younger workers, this could also lower wages for younger workers or slow down their wage growth, the researchers say.”


But, this article presents a flawed argument, because many of the positions baby boomers currently hold are not the same jobs that are opening up for new college grads or entry level workers. In fact, some positions baby boomers fill right now are getting harder and harder to fill because of the expertise and experience level they require.  Meanwhile, the reason fewer jobs were filled last month? The lack of skilled labor to fill it. Read More Here and Here

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