In a recent New York Times article, Charlotte Graham-McLay shares that a New Zealand firm reduced its workweek to 32 hours, while still paying employees for 40 hours. The trial was such a success that the firm is planning on making the change permanent. The firm found that workers wasted less time and increased their productivity while at work.
“Jarrod Haar, a human resources professor at Auckland University of Technology said employees reported a 24 percent improvement in their work-life, and came back to work energized after their days off.”
Aside from company productivity, Andrew Barnes, the firm’s founder, believes the change in hours could also offer economical and environmental implications if more companies embraced a similar approach.
This isn’t a solution for all companies, but an inspiration to innovate. What was it about this schedule that led to this workforce increasing their productivity? What changes could your company make to increase its productivity? Read More Here